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The World is on Crack

May 8, 2010

What would life be like if the whole world was on Crack? You’re witnessing it right now. 

 I can think of no other logical explanation for the things I see going on around me both locally and globally. The Orwellian semantics, brutal, callous wars for profits, demonization of all ethnicities and religions, a civilization not concerned with mental or spiritual or societal growth and all of it mounting to unprecedented proportions. 

 No one listens anymore, because more lies are spoken than truth. No one listens anymore because no one is making any logical, realistic sense. No one listens anymore because they no longer trust or believe in anything but financial security. And no one seems to want to individually do anything to begin really listening again.  

 Why? What keeps us froms this Crack induced society of choice? Is it the zombifying effects of television? Is it the multiple daily doses of psychotropic prescription drugs? Is it the lack of relevant education in the public schools? Is it the hypocrisy of the governments and religions? Is it the widening class gap? Is it the oppression of debt and war for profits? 

 Is this what they dismiss as, paranoia? Isn’t that what happens to you when you use Crack, you become paranoid? 

 Are they weaponizing an aerosol form of Crack and spreading it in chem-trails? Is that a paranoid perception? 

 Is it anymore paranoid than the nationalistic propaganda that “terrorists” hate us for our “freedoms?” 

 Is it delusional when leaders of state listen seriously to degreed men of academia about suggestions of painting roofs white and launching solar umbrellas into space to combat global warming? Or that a cap and trade tax scheme will affect a 4 billion year old planet’s climate? 

 The reality is, the whole world is on Crack. 

 It must be in the cereals, the snack foods, the various microwave cuisines. It must be in every soda, energy drink and alcohol product produced. It must be in the water, in the soil, in the very air we breathe. What do crack addicts do once they are hooked? Don’t they lie, steal, commit violence just to get money to buy more Crack? 

 How is what we are seeing happening all around us so different from that scenario? 

 Call it an ego centric, obtuse addiction to consuming, participating in non-creative activities, reduced literacy or an inability to empathize with the sacrifices of those who came before. Cell phone’s, virtual worlds, corporate hegemony, NWO governments and the master puppetry of central banks. All are the Crack induced visions of this Crack addicted society of lemmings. 

 It’s all CRACK. 

 The drug of choice. 

 Nice choice.  Once you do Crack, you’ll never be able to go back. And so it seems. 

 I find politicians echoing the phrase “non-negotiable lifestyle,” interesting.  Human beings are the species they are because of their supposedly advanced ability to communicate. Things that are non-negotiable on this planet, in this reality, are forces of nature, Hurricanes, Tornados, Volcanic eruptions, tsunami’s etc. Are politicians equating the human lifestyle to forces of nature or are these just more Crack delusions? 

 When someone takes a drug like Crack, they lose touch with who and what they are and lose control of their ability to make rational decisions. Greed seems to do the same thing. Being surrounded by sycophants also does the same thing. Pretty soon you see those around you as not much more consequential than insects. You make decisions that have nothing to do with the welfare and respect for life. Your next fix is the only thought and motivation you have. 

 Crack addiction consumes your entire life. You don’t eat, sleep, bathe, seek shelter, feed your infant, go to work, you have a single focus, get and consume more crack. Does this sound familiar yet?

 How are things different? People are oppressed with debt and are depressed and seek drugs to change the perception of the world. People are single focused to get one, two, three jobs to pay for out of control debts that never go away. People are desperate for help and look to liars and charlatans for redemption but only succumb to the predatory practices of those more hooked on the power and greed for Crack than they are.

 For both of these sides of the coin to exist, you have to be on Crack. I can think of no other reason. 

 Crack starts with a C and rhymes with FEAR and that spells trouble…. or have I become delusional? 

 It’s all just a movie, I don’t think they really make a blue or red pill for Crack addiction treatment. But maybe again blue or red, its all just a placebo

 What’s the solution to an addiction to a delusion of choice? I don’t know. It’s all individual. We all have to find ourselves individually before we can find ourselves within society again. It starts with getting off the Crack. Now. 

Once you do, the courage will return, the dependance on predators and liars will cease and delusion will no longer be reality. This is not semantics, its the power of choice. 

Make the choice, get off the “Crack.”

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Luvwater permalink
    July 21, 2010 10:05 pm

    Yes it is!!!
    You can say that again!
    Slightly cracked or fully cracked…that IS the question!
    (The world is full of dysfunction and it comes in many forms.)
    Some days I want to hide under my covers.
    Hmmm…sad, but true!
    Great THOUGHTS! Thank you!


  2. August 17, 2011 7:52 pm

    so many i love are on crack & totally different from who they once were. it is the
    most damaging thing i have witnessed. Ever. I think we need special centers for
    criminal drug use. Not prison, not jail, but a Jail setting with mental, emotional,
    and physical reform. (Force some exercise, working on the farm certainly curved
    my energy for drugs) Anyway, just commenting!


  3. August 17, 2011 8:10 pm

    p.s. understand your broader concept but crack itself is affecting my world so badly at the moment.


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