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Sheeple People and Cattle Chattel

May 1, 2010

Sheeple rhymes with people and cattle rhymes with chattel. Both are euphemistically used when referring to human demeanor, especially of late.

 Sheep are cute and fluffy. They get sheered for their wool which is used in knitting sweaters. Cattle are big, dumb and get manhandled by rough cow-pokes while being branded with a hot iron.  Sheering and branding are not what I would think humans would find enjoyable, but you might get a differing argument from large corporations and large governments.

 Sheep are gently herded by a lovely canine named lassie. Cattle are wrangled by a mangy blue heeler named Dead-eye who turns the cattle over by viciously bitting their noses. Whether pastoral or rangy, loving or vicious, herded or wrangled, I like to envision humans preferring freedom over being controlled. But then again, it’s all a matter of semantics isn’t it?

 Sheep stand around in flocks, cattle stand around in herds, humans stand around in lines or queues. 

Sheep are happy eating grass, cattle are happy eating grass humans are very happy smoking grass.

Sheep get sheered, cattle get branded and humans get sheered AND branded.

  Its funny making these comparisons, until you realize that the human populace in any culture could actually be treated like this and then it’s not funny, it’s pathetic.

 We try to use humor to face less-than-ideal conditions. We try to make satiric comparisons to draw attention to deteriorating principles. We try to use images as icons to help polarize important causes. I think George Orwell’s book Animal Farm pretty much said it all regarding this sheeple-cattle chattel thing. Then again, the novel “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury  suggests how and why this future might come about. 

 Are things changing or are they just imitating art?

 One thing sheep and cattle can’t do is read. 

Another thing sheep and cattle can’t do is ask questions and formulate critical thought.

 I like to eat chops and steaks. I like to wear warm fuzzy sweaters. I hate standing in lines. 

I read because I like to know where the satire ends and the reality begins.

One Comment leave one →
  1. TrgdyAnn permalink
    May 2, 2010 9:58 am

    Thank goodness we are our own little Flock-o-Sheep, BTW, what is the name of our Flock?,…..*smiling*


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